

What I got able to do this week!(今週できるようになったこと)#0011

今週の感想:Impression of this week









This week was a week when obstacles in the Instagram did not improve at all.

Even if I can submit my work on the Internet, I can not notice that my new works have been released except for the followers because of the obstacles that are not published on the Internet.

I want you to get back to normal quickly. If I were to operate, I wanted to manage to listen to small voices properly.

I will usually make works until the obstacle of the Instagram is resolved.

Next week, I hope the instagram will be normal.

There were new discoveries this week as well. The new work was published on Twitter.

Please take a look.


今週発表した作品:  Work released this week

1.Title:  The premise of the dialogue  対話へ

2.Title:Messages from Space-Time Boat  時空船からのメッセージ - Number 0016

3.Title:  The new planet - Number 0036-a  新しい惑星

4.Title: Gundam assembly record 0016 ガンプラ組み立て記録 0016

5.Title: A city made of caramel  キャラメル都市

6.Title:  The new planet - Number 0036  新しい惑星


7.Title:Messages from Space-Time Boat  時空船からのメッセージ - Number 0017

8.Title:  The new planet - Number 0037-a  新しい惑星

9.Title: Music star 音楽の星

10.Title: Gundam assembly record 0017 ガンプラ組み立て記録 0017

11.Title: Submarine survey 海底調査

12.Title:Messages from Space-Time Boat  時空船からのメッセージ - Number 0017-z


13.Title:Messages from Space-Time Boat  時空船からのメッセージ - Number 0018

14.Title: Small yacht  小さなヨット

15.Title:  The new planet - Number 0038

16.Title: Gundam assembly record 0018 ガンプラ組み立て記録 0018

17.Title:Messages from Space-Time Boat

 時空船からのメッセージ - Number 0018A

18.Title:Messages from Space-Time Boat

 時空船からのメッセージ - Number 0019


19.Title: Space-time trains  時空専用の列車

20.Title:  The new planet - Number 0039

21.Title: Gundam assembly record 0019 ガンプラ組み立て記録 0019






インスタグラムはやく正常になれ!Instagram should be normal soon!