

気になるニュース No.0004

2019年5月5日朝日新聞朝刊1面のトップの見出しに、『繰り返される 学校の事故-年107万件 対策生かし切れず』とあった。




さらに同じ新聞の2面の見出しには、『我が子の死、真実を知りたい-詳細報告1割 検証進まず』とあった。









The headline of the top page of the Asahi Shimbun morning newspaper, May 5, 2019, said, "A repeated school accident-1.07 million cases a year can not be used for countermeasures".


I was surprised at the large number of my cases. I have never seen it in regular news.


In addition, the headline of the same newspaper, "I want to know the death of my child, the truth-detailed report 10% verification not progress".


In the article, "If the educational administration such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is looking for only an excuse not to verify, the accident can not be prevented. I would like you to strengthen awareness that you are responsible for securing children's safety." It was written.


At the same time, I hope that people who are not aware of the responsibility for securing children's safety want to be informed at the same time that they are not fulfilling their responsibilities.


I read this article and found that people who are not conscious of responsibility are in charge of children's education. I felt sad.






