


Space-time ship's slippers  時空船内のスリッパ

Title:Space-time ship's slippers 時空船内のスリッパ Commentary: When relaxing, the crew of the space-time ship wears the slippers and takes a rest. 時空船の乗組員は、くつろぐときは、このスリッパに履き替えてのんびりるする。 #footwear #sneak…

Space-time trains 時空専用の列車

Title: Space-time trains 時空専用の列車 Commentary: In order to make a wish to travel a little bit in time and space, The study of a train dedicated to space and time has begun. 時空間をちょっと旅行してみたいとう願いを叶えるため、 時空専用…

Music star 2  音楽の星

Title: Music star 2 音楽の星 Commentary: Analysis of the latest image of the space telescope "KIBō" came out. The instrument was a planet. 宇宙望遠鏡”KIBō”の最新映像の分析の結果が出た。 楽器が惑星だった。 #magicavoxel Impressions: この作…

A city made of caramel キャラメル都市

Title: A city made of caramel キャラメル都市 Commentary: Analysis of the latest image of the space telescope "KIB" is in progress. It turned out that the small city this time was made of a caramel that looks like it. 宇宙望遠鏡”KIBō”の最新…

Great scholar of the sea - 海の学者-

Title: Great scholar of the sea 海の学者 Commentary: A submarine gave a nice report. At last, the submarine captain was able to meet the great scholars of the sea. 潜水艦から、うれしい報告があった。 やっと、潜水艦の船長が海の偉大な学者に会…

Submarine friends  潜水艦のお友達

Title: Submarine friends 潜水艦のお友達 Commentary: A submarine gave a nice report. It seems that a friend was made in the deep sea. 潜水艦から、うれしい報告があった。 深海で友達が出来たそうだ。 #fish #fishy #fishin #diving #fishstagram #t…

A new space-time vessel  新たな時空船

Title: A new space-time vessel 新たな時空船 Commentary: The space-time ship shown in the image was a bigger ship than I imagined. 画像に映っていた時空船は、想像以上に大きな船であった。 #toy #cute #design #art #digitalart #kawaii #neokawaii…

Spatio-temporal clothing   時空間専用の服

Title: Spatio-temporal clothing 時空間専用の服 Commentary: The crew developed dedicated clothes to make it comfortable to spend time and space. On the back, feathers that can move in space and time are equipped. 乗組員は、時空間でも快適に…

Four braves - 四人の勇者

Title:Four braves 四人の勇者 Commentary: A huge meteorite fell into the desert. To confirm that, four brave people gathered. 砂漠に、巨大隕石が落下した。 それを確認するため、四人の勇者が集まった。 #camel #camels #cairo #camellife #accessor…

A small station of the moon   月の小さな駅     

Title:A small station of the moon 月の小さな駅 Commentary: One model of a small station built on the moon has been released. 月面に建設される小さな駅のひとつのモデルが公開された。 #cassiscake #rawcake #blueberry #vegancake #cassis #purple …

Messages from Space-Time Boat   時空船からのメッセージ - Number 0008

Title:Messages from Space-Time Boat 時空船からのメッセージ - Number 0008 Commentary: The latest image was sent from the spacetime ship. It seems that I encountered a mysterious creature. 時空船から最新の映像が送られてきた。 なぞの生物と遭…

Messages from Space-Time Boat - 時空船からのメッセージ- Number 0006

Title:Messages from Space-Time Boat 時空船からのメッセージ - Number 0006 Commentary: The latest image was sent from the spacetime ship. The unicorn seems to be fine as well. 時空船から最新の映像が送られてきた。 ユニコーン達も元気なようだ。…

Cute bag 小さなバック

Title: Cute back 小さなバック Sorry, it is a mistake of a word. "back" → bag Commentary: The bag of the crew of a space-time ship is a little fashionable. Although it looks small, it is equipped with a feature that allows storing anything …

『Treasures of ancient ruins -古代遺跡の宝物』

Title:Treasures of ancient ruins 古代遺跡の宝物 Commentary: We received an email saying that it might be the greatest discovery of this century from the team unearthing the ancient ruins. A photograph like a crown was attached to the mail.…

『Cute cardigan』- おしゃれな カーディガン

Title:Cute cardigan おしゃれな カーディガン Commentary: Momo wants a favorite cardigan. So, Momo designed a favorite cardigan. Momo wanted to study sewing as well. Momoは、お気に入りのカーディガンが欲しい。 そこで、Momoは、お気に入りのカー…

Cute key for space-time space   

Title:Cute key for space-time space カードキー Commentary: A special key for a space-time car was also announced. Space-time car dedicated keys are also considered "cute" and "elegant" elements. 時空間の車の専用キーも発表された。 時空間の…

Spare time Cute snack  時空間の”かわいい”おやつ

Title:Spare time Cute snack 時空間の”かわいい”おやつ Commentary: It is tasty and safe even in space-time, and "cute" A snack was developed. And it was decided to be sold with easy-to-buy price by anyone! 時空間の中でも、おいしく安全に、そ…

Colorful bag  おしゃれなバック 

Title:Colorful bag カラフルなカバン Commentary: A small briefcase manufacturer "Sakura" announced a new colorful bag incorporating "cuteness" and "adult feel". A bag that every generation wants to have is a concept. ちいさな鞄のメーカー”Sa…

”Toy robot ”  オモチャのロボット

Title: Toy robot オモチャのロボット Commentary: おもちゃ屋さんは、さっそく、宇宙望遠鏡”KIBō”の最新映像をもとにおもちゃのロボットの生産計画を立て始めた。この商品のコンセプトは、誰でも買うことができる価格で販売することだ。 The toy shop start…

”Cute house in the moon ” 月のかわいい家

Title: Cute house in the moon 月のかわいい家 Commentary: A cake shop in a small village painted, "The Cute house in the moon" is becoming a topic in SNS! 小さな村にあるケーキ屋さんが描いた、”月のかわいい家”がいまSNSで話題になってきている…


Title: Communication from state-of-the-art small submarines 最新鋭のちいさな潜水艦からの通信 Commentary: There was communication from a state-of-the-art small submarine. He said that he succeeded in photographing creatures resembling an ai…

"Recipes in the city of milk tea"   ”ミルクティーの街のレシピ”   

Title: "Recipes in the city of milk tea" ”ミルクティーの街のレシピ” Commentary: A cute little snack revived today, referring to "Recipes in the city of milk tea". ”ミルクティーの街のレシピ”を参考に、かわいらしいおやつが現代に蘇った。 #cute…

Fashionable stationery  おしゃれな文房具

Title: Fashionable stationery おしゃれな文房具 There are lots of pieces in the Instagram, please watch! インスタグラムに作品がいっぱいありますので、見てくださいお願いします! www.instagram.com Commentary: Elementary school student "Momo" l…

Resident of the city of milk tea  ”ミルクティーの街の住人”

Title: Resident of the city of milk tea ”ミルクティーの街の住人” Commentary: There is an old document written about "the city of milk tea". In the old document there was a mural painting depicting the inhabitants of "the city of milk tea".…

Fashionable candy ball おしゃれなお菓子

Title: Fashionable candy ball おしゃれなお菓子 Please:YouTube, Vimeo also has a work for animation, so please have a look. YouTube、Vimeoにも動画用の作品があるので見てください。 Commentary: The candy maker 's "Ame - chan" announced fancy …

Cute universe station かわいい宇宙の駅

Title: Cute universe station かわいい宇宙の駅 Commentary: "Strawberry company" which manufactures and sells sweets depicts the image of the station of the future. "Strawberry company" started making special sweets for candy and chocolate f…

Cute confectionery  かわいいお菓子

Title: Cute confectionery かわいいお菓子 Commentary: Fairies living in the mysterious forest have fun. That is to eat cute cakes with everyone living in the forest at the snack time. ふしぎな森に住む妖精には、楽しみがある。それは、かわいい…

Cute clouds かわいい雲

Title: Cute clouds かわいい雲 Commentary: Look up at the sky when the heart gets tired. A cute cloud☁️☁️ the shape of a heart appears, and you can gently cheer up! こころが疲れたとき、ふと空を見上げてごらん。ハートの形のかわいい雲が現れて…

New living space 癒しの空間

Title: New living space 癒しの空間 Commentary: "Urban development company" Daiku "company announced the concept of the future housing. Its content is to provide not only the conventional living qualities but also the space which is more cu…

New traveler

Title:New traveler 新たな旅人 Commentary: Maritime city of the south "Mirai".A mysterious traveler visited the "Mirai".The traveler touched the residents' kindness and left the following message to express gratitude. はるか南の海上都市”Mir…